More and more tracks around the world are choosing CRG Rental Kart fleets, driven by some commercial levers that are acquiring ever greater importance and by the feedback of their customers. In this context, for some years CRG has clearly focused on two key points: on one hand the absolute quality of its karts and on the other one on track events, both organized directly and in collaboration with partner tracks.

The product quality is a distinctive sign of all CRG production and the Rental range also follows this philosophy, which translates into great reliability and minimal consumption of spare parts after sales, but above all into a superior driving experience for all Rental Kart enthusiasts. The chassis, the individual components and all the accessories have been developed without compromising on quality and this choice makes CRG Rental Karts certainly “premium” products in this increasingly demanding and competitive market.

For what concerns the events, CRG marketing directly supports various tournaments and championships on partner tracks, and also organizes two events every year which can directly connect to the activities carried out by the individual tracks that use CRG Kart Rental fleets. The first has been called Rental Kart World Contest and has a Sprint format, capable of having over 200 drivers challenging themselves on the track, many of whom selected from partner tracks through internal championships and events. The other event organized by CRG, the 24 Hours Karting of Italy, in which over 40 teams from all over the world take part every year, has become a point of reference in the Rental Kart world.

CRG is also a reliable partner in the Rental sector and more and more tracks are discovering how quality and customer service are winning aspects also in this market which, compared to the Racing sector, has been neglected several times in the past, both in terms of useful technology to the products, as well as to the events on the track. Today CRG is on the market with a complete range of Karts equipped with 4-stroke engines (from the Mini to the Centurion Senior also available as a two-seater) and electric ones.

To find out more about the range of CRG Rental products, please visit the website